No, “science is not the enemy of the planet”

No, “science is not the enemy of the planet”

Science vs. Nature. This “anti-science” debate is a major concern to Noble Physics. On Wednesday, French physicist Alain Aspect, who won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, criticized “some activist groups that… […] It seems he was on the wrong target by saying it’s science’s fault if the planet is going badly.”

“Science is not the enemy of the planet,” the academic asserts, in the face of temptations to “return to nature.” In an interview with Agence France-Presse prior to handing over his Nobel Prize on Saturday to Stockholmthe quantum physicist explains that he wants to use his bounty as a “megaphone” for the good of “science”.

“If you don’t understand the science, you can’t solve the problem.”

“I try to use it for the benefit of science, to explain by example that science is not an enemy of the planet, on the contrary, the interest in saving the planet is through science and relying on the science they will reach,” the 75-year-old professor said. “I think it’s wrong with what people do with science. It’s not the science itself. If you don’t understand the science, you can’t solve the problem.”

A speech forgotten, according to him, “that before the advancement of science, before the invention of antibiotics, machines to relieve men’s pain, the situation of humanity was more miserable than it is today.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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