Number of whooping cough cases in Chaudière-Appalaches

Number of whooping cough cases in Chaudière-Appalaches

According to the Center for Integrated Health and Social Services of Chaudière-Appalachia (CISSS-CA), new whooping cough cases reported at MRCs in Nouvelle-Bois and Lévis are on the rise.

However, a decrease in the number of cases was observed in the MRCs of Pius Sartegan, Pius Center and Etchemenes which were more affected by the outbreak during the winter.

Below are the data of the Migrant Resource Center of Chaudière-Appalaches:
– Boss position: 0
– Pius Sartigan: less than 5
– Belchase: less than 5
-New BIOS: 16
– Appalachia: less than 5
-Les Echimin: 0
-Levis: 19
– Island: 0
– Lotbinir: less than 5
– Montmagny: 0

A total of 43 cases were recorded in the region during the week of April 21 to 27, 2024.

Awareness and protection

We would like to point out that all possible cases are under investigation so that we can notify people who may have been in contact with people diagnosed with confirmed cases. In particular, letters are sent to schools », specified Public Health Organization.

People who may have been in contact with confirmed cases and who have symptoms such as low-grade fever; Runny nose; Redness of the eyes accompanied by watery eyes, as well as coughing. You should consult a doctor to obtain an antibiotic (if the diagnosis of whooping cough is accepted), which will reduce the period of infection.

Public Health offers prophylaxis to vulnerable contacts according to certain criteria (some pregnant women and some children under 12 months) in order to prevent cases in people at risk of serious complications.

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Vaccination is also offered in the context of compensating children who were not adequately vaccinated in childhood. It should be noted that vaccination does not prevent the disease 100% throughout life. The aim of the vaccination program is to prevent complications of whooping cough in the most vulnerable groups, i.e. children under 12 months of age.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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