OM-Benfica: Portugal supporters are supervised by a highly enhanced security system

OM-Benfica: Portugal supporters are supervised by a highly enhanced security system

After many twists and turns regarding whether or not Benfica fans will be received in the second leg of the quarter-finals of the Europa League, which will be held at the Velodrome stadium tomorrow (9 p.m.), the governorate confirmed in a press release that Benviquistas He will be there for the most important match of the Olympic season.

In this context, and for the safety of everyone, an enhanced system was developed by the authorities. The 3,500 Portuguese fans expected to attend the match will be placed in the “Visitor area“And they come together as one.”Assembly point designated by the authorities to avoid contact as much as possible with Marseille fans and transported to the Velodrome by a specific metro system.The National Police will supervise this system to avoid abuses, and only Portuguese fans present at this gathering will be able to access the stadium. Individual attendees will be refused entry.

The governor also took action banning parking and access to the city center for anyone claiming to be pro-Portugal. “Only fans entering the stadium, which is supervised by police from the assembly point, will be able to show their status as Portuguese fans.“specifies the press release.

12 mobile force units and nearly 1,000 police officers were deployed

The implemented system provides for the presence of 12 mobile force units and about 1,000 police officers deployed around the Boulevard Michelet area, on public transportation and in the city center. They will receive assistance from Sentinel mission soldiers to carry out their mission.

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The goal is “To avoid any disturbance to public order in the city center or around the stadium and to ensure that the only distress there is is that which occurs on the pitch“The governor adds.

These measures will begin to be rolled out today in the city center.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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