Online voting begins for French citizens living abroad

Online voting begins for French citizens living abroad

The legislative elections are over. Anyway for the French living abroad. And the latter can vote online for the first round of the legislative elections, from 12 noon on Friday 27 May until 1Verse June.

Beginning with this election, these overseas voters have four ways to vote: at the ballot box, by proxy, by internet and mail. Online voting is only allowed for French people living outside France, and for legislative and consular elections only. Expatriate voters who wish to vote at the polls at embassies and consulates will have to wait until June 4 for those on the American continent and June 5 for all others.

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150 candidates in eleven constituencies

There are eleven electoral districts covering all countries, equal to the number of French deputies living abroad since 2012. Online voting was implemented that year, but not in 2017 for the last legislative elections. It was a question of warding off potential cyber attacks, in the context of doubts about the 2016 US election that saw Donald Trump win.

Nearly 150 candidates are competing this year in these eleven districts, but not all of them have made a profession of faith or suffrage. While Emmanuel Macron received 45% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election in these regions and 86% in the second round, many will come under closer scrutiny.

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This will be especially the case at 5H A foreign constituency that includes Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Monaco. The presidential majority movement, Together!, invested former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls. However, he will have to face the outgoing deputy of La République en Marche, Stéphane Vojetta, who has decided to maintain and oppose his candidacy.

Several outgoing deputies were reappointed

But six of the ten outgoing deputies reappointed them together! : Roland Lescure LRMs (1Dr), an important component of Macron’s networks in economic and financial circles, head of the Committee on Economic Affairs of the National Assembly; Alexander Holroyd at 3Hthe British Isles and Northern Europe; Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, at 4H, Benelux; Amelia Lakravey in class 10Hthe Near East and part of Africa; Ann Jeanette at 11H ; The Frederic Petit modem at 7HCentral Europe and the Balkans.

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at 9H The constituency, the constituency of the French Maghreb and West Africa, the former deputy of the Revolutionary Rights Movement, Majid El Karab, who was recently convicted for the attack, finally gave up his candidacy about ten days ago and supports the former Minister Elizabeth Moreno, invested by the majority.

In addition to starting voting for French living abroad, the first round of voting will take place in French Polynesia on June 4. On June 11, the first round will be held in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. And on June 12 the first round in France, as well as in Mayotte, New Caledonia and Reunion, before the second round a week later, on June 19.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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