03 May 2022 –
Open data from every angle: science, education, and society
18 h University Center for Management Sciences in Bordeaux and online
This knowledge café will allow you to discover all aspects of data, from its creation to its use in an interactive and fun way. An English language event but suitable for all audiences.
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What is open data? What is the benefit of opening data to as many people as possible? How do you turn data into knowledge? How do we participate in building data and make it accessible to everyone? What are the new open data practices? Through the different sequences presenting the different aspects and uses of data, participants will discover how it can be created, used, managed… and what its impact can be on society.
Loudspeaker: Sylvain Lapua, data journalist, open data consultant and trainer at Datactivist Tweet embed
Energizing : Antoine Blanchard, Open Data Consultant at Datactivist Tweet embed
Loudspeakers: in progress
Join this interactive, innovative and open-ended activity in Bordeaux or online!