Our Land | Montreal Magazine

Our Land | Montreal Magazine

September 22nd will be Car Free Day. It is an opportunity to question our travel habits and our actions to protect the blue planet, and for me to think about some words related to it.

At first, I wondered how the names of the planets in the solar system came about. Interestingly, they were all named after a Greek or Roman god, except for one… our god.

land It means “the land on which we find ourselves, which supports living things”. It also has the broader meaning of “surface, soil”, “continent” (as opposed to ocean), “material” (for agriculture, or raw materials) and “country, region”.

In Roman mythology she is called the goddess of fertility. TelosWhere does the word come from? Tellthen the attribute TelluricWhich means “relating to the earth”. Moreover, the name of this goddess is close to land.

The word manmeaning the human race in general, comes from the Latin humusWhich means “the land we cultivate.” I find there is an element of poetry in the fact that the name of our planet and the name of the humans who inhabit it have a similar meaning.

Did you know that words Human and Humility It has the same root word? Maybe a day like this is the time to realize that.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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