Paul McCartney created the latest Beatles song using artificial intelligence

Paul McCartney created the latest Beatles song using artificial intelligence

Paul McCartney managed to complete an old John Lennon demo using the same technique Peter Jackson used on ” get back “.

Paul McCartney (sort of) gathered the Beatles for one last song with the help of AI.

First, a clarification: No, McCartney didn’t give a machine a full set of John Lennon and/or George Harrison tunes, tell the computer to spit out imitations, then mold the whole thing to do something with Ringo Starr. As McCartney explained to BBCInstead, artificial intelligence technology was used. Extracts Lennon’s vocals from an old demo, which were later used to complete the song.

According to McCartney, the new song was created with the help of Peter Jackson, using the same AI-based “de-mixing” technology that was needed for the epic three-part Beatles documentary, get back. One of the marvels of the film is how Jackson and his team were able to isolate and separate the voices and instruments from each other and from the general haze of the soundtrack, effectively recovering and restoring a plethora of conversations and interpretations. (The same technique was used for the reissue pistol The last year).

We were able to use this kind of technology when Peter Jackson made the movie McCartney said back. He was able to extract John’s voice from a small piece on mediocre tape. There was John’s voice and a piano, and he was able to separate them using AI. They say to the instrument: “This is a voice, this is a guitar, remove the guitar.” And that’s what they did. So there are great possibilities of use. »

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When it comes to making what McCartney called ” The latest Beatles record He said: We were able to take John’s voice and make it pure through artificial intelligence. So we were able to mix the record like we normally would…so there’s an upside [à l’utilisation de l’IA] And a scary side, and we’ll see where that takes us. »

McCartney said the song would be released ” this year But she did not mention a specific date. He also did not reveal the title of the song, but it is most likely a fabricated and incomplete Lennon song,” Now and later From 1978.

This track was one of several compositions on a tape made by Lennon before his death in 1980. In the 1990s, Yoko Ono gave the tape to McCartney, along with two others (” Free as a bird ” And ” true love It was arranged by McCartney, Harrison, Starr, and producer Jeff Lynne, and included on the compilation The Beatles Anthology. despite of ” Now and later It was also considered at the time, and McCartney later said that Harrison refused to work on it because the quality of Lennon’s voice was ” corrupt “.

But McCartney was still anxious to finish the song. in a documentary BBC Four In 2012 he said: This song is still out there somewhere. So I’m going to see Jeff [Lynne] And do it. Finish it one of these days. »

John Blistein

Translated by the editor

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