Picture book for Ukrainian children

Picture book for Ukrainian children

Picture book for Ukrainian children

There is a thousand and one way to help Ukrainian war refugees. Franck Dubois and his Rouen-based communications agency, Le Perroquet bleu, have made a Franco-Ukrainian picture book available free of charge in digital form.

Arriving in their hundreds, they fled their country at war. Ukrainian families were often left to fend for themselves. In France, as in many other countries, initiatives of solidarity have emerged to welcome them in the best possible conditions. In Rouen, the agency Le Perroquet bleu decided to create an audio picture book to help Ukrainian youth speak French. “We have already started a series in English, Portuguese or Spanish, in e-pub format, without having communicated about this product yet,” explains Frank Dubois.

This time it makes sense to dictate the schedule. This picture book contains about fifty words, mentioned in French and Ukrainian by Christina, a science student at Lycée Cornell. The young woman devoted herself to pronouncing the words as clearly as possible.

The first comments are rather encouraging, if we are to believe Frank Dubois: “This picture book allows its French and Ukrainian users to spend half an hour around support, has the advantage of speech editing and making the friendly moment.” This is definitely the most important thing, first of all. There is no benchmarking tool that can count – yet – the number of downloads.

Found in Stores and on Google Books, the picture book allows you to read in both languages, but also to listen. The content is already designed for children, and a growing version of about fifty words can see the light of day.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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