Pokémon presents a summary: More information about Pokémon Scarlet and Purple

Pokémon presents a summary: More information about Pokémon Scarlet and Purple

Today, The Pokémon Company presented Pokémon Presents to inform fans of the latest expected news for the franchise. Below is a summary of the announcements made during the short presentation.

(Image credit: The Pokémon Company)

Pokemon scarlet and purple

GameFreak gives us more information about Pokémon Scarlet and Purple, a new Pokémon game planned for the Nintendo Switch. In this episode, players will be able to discover Paldea, a new area filled with New Pokemon. This game will be an open world RPG game, the first of its kind in this series. So there will be no set order to face the gyms, you will have to go on your own adventure.

Also, it appears that the wild Pokemon is clearly appearing in the wild, a new mode carried over from many games that may now be the norm in future releases. Discover the wild spaces inhabited by Pokémon, or the large urban spaces to chat with other enthusiasts of these creatures.

The trailer also reveals a new form of evolution, the Terastal Phenomenon. This phenomenon, as it is called during the show, turns Pokémon into shiny gems while providing a boost to its type and strengthening its attacks. Some Pokémon even change their type when they are “Terastalised”. For example, Eevee usually remain a normal species after metamorphosis, but some of the slightly more special Eevees can become leaf or even water thanks to Terastal. This information will be included in the Pokédex sheet for each Pokémon.

Legendary Pokémon and some Pokémon that inhabit the region have also been developed thanks to this presentation. First, the two legendary Pokémon are Koraidon and Miraidon, one of which will accompany you during your adventure. He will be able to cross plains, climb mountains, swim in water and fly through the air by changing his shape.

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Pokemon Corydon

Pokemon Mairidon

Next came the new Pokémon which is the Paldea version of Ground/Poison-Wooper, Fairy-type Fidough and Ice-type Cetitan.

pokemon megaphone

Fido Pokemon

Pokemon Setitan

There are also, of course, beginnersWe’ve already seen it before. Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly.

sprigatito pokemon

pokemon fuecoco

pokemon quaxly

The game is scheduled for November 18 worldwide and is available for pre-order today.

World Pokémon Championship

Three years later, the annual Pokémon World Championship returns to London from August 18-21. The event will allow fans to play intense Pokemon battles, but also to get around the love of the game for the first time in several years. Thousands of players from all over the world are expected to participate in the competition. Battles will be played on consoles as with playing cards. Who will win the world champion title in 2022?

Two new games will be added to the tournament this year, Pokémon Go and Pokémon Unite. The event can be followed thanks to the live broadcast organized by the company. We also saw during the presentation the new Pikachu Cup that the world champion will receive, which is a very nice bonus for the big winner.

pokemon unite

To celebrate the first year of the game, Pokémon Unite will receive many new Pokémon features, new features, new events, and new campaigns. For example, the new mode available today is Pika Party, a mode in which every Pokémon, wild or otherwise, is a Pikachu. Buzzwole, a new Pokémon, will be added to the Pokémon Unite starting today. The game will receive Glacion and Tyranitar later this month.

Watch the full presentation here:

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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