Political marketing is not an exact science

Political marketing is not an exact science

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More importantly, what may challenge even the most distracted observers is the choice of the term “Renaissance” itself and the remarkable historical reference to which it directly refers. From there let’s imagine an attempt at a semantic delay… For the record, what did we hear about the change in the name of the Union for the Popular Movement, which became Les Republic in 2015, and the expropriation it consecrated, it seems. Then the summary actions fell as in Gravelotte…

While waiting for a group of modernist historians or just a few angry enthusiasts from Quattrocento Engaging in similar legal adventures, we will note two distinct dimensions to the subtext that the term “Renaissance” conveys in context. First, the idea of ​​a fresh start that President Macron has been promoting for months – new ways, new directions and no doubt new faces. But also the idea of ​​the contradiction, which Stanislas Guerini frankly claimed on Thursday, between a movement asserting that it will always make a “choice of enlightenment” and “obscurantism.” Follow my opinion…

Except that, in doing so, Mr. Guerini takes a bold shortcut: for from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, there have been no more than two centuries. But hey…no one said political marketing was an exact science.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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