Portugal assumes the presidency of the Rabat Process

Portugal assumes the presidency of the Rabat Process

On Thursday, Portugal assumed the presidency of the European-African Dialogue on Migration and Development (Rabat Process), on the sidelines of a meeting of high-level officials.

During a handover ceremony held in Rabat, the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Businesses, Employment and Skills, Younes Skouri, handed over the presidency to the Portuguese Secretary of State for Equality and Migration, Isabel Almeida Rodriguez.

In his speech on this occasion, Mr. Skouri noted that the Moroccan presidency of the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development (Rabat Track), which has been undertaken since the Sixth Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development in Cádiz in December 2022, has led the dynamism of the program of thematic meetings. During 2023, it addresses various issues related to the five areas of the Cádiz Plan.

In the same context, the Minister highlighted the importance of continuing efforts within the framework of dialogue, especially at the regional level, stressing the need to harmonize with the goals and recommendations emanating from existing international and regional migration policy frameworks, in a way that reflects the political orientation. Member States' commitment to a comprehensive, coordinated and balanced approach to migration management.

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He also pointed out that the Rabat Process, by virtue of its European-African character, provides an appropriate framework for dialogue on the problems and challenges of labor-providing countries, with the aim of ensuring prospects for professional development and decent working conditions for their citizens.

In the same context, Mr. Skouri stressed that the Cádiz Action Plan, which was defined during the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development, highlights the “comparative” advantages of mobility, such as shared development and concrete alternatives to mobility. Irregular migration.

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The plan applies to the lot of traffic and the behavior of migrants, the question of registration, as well as the acceptance of payments from accueil payments and the contribution to socio-economic development of original wages, at – he says .

On the other hand, Mr. Al-Sakuri stressed the opportunity represented by the international movement of workers from countries of origin and destination, provided that several basic conditions are respected, noting that they include, among other things, strengthening legal frameworks that guarantee appropriate working conditions. In addition to designing legal, regular, flexible and ethical migration and career pathways.

For her part, Ms. Almeida Rodriguez stressed the Portuguese government’s firm commitment to international cooperation, in particular highlighting regular migration and labor mobility.

She stressed the importance of diplomatic relations and multilateral cooperation, expressing her gratitude to the Kingdom for organizing a special event dedicated to circular migration, demonstrating a shared desire to address critical issues related to mobility and migration.

While emphasizing Portugal's position as a reference for regular migration and mobility, in accordance with the Cádiz Plan of Action, the official explained that mobility is rooted in migration, recalling, in this regard, Portugal's respect for human rights, in accordance with the Universal Declaration. For human rights.

In the same sense, Ms. Almeida Rodriguez addressed the Portuguese Government's initiatives regarding circular labor migration, highlighting the importance of ensuring the safety, legality and dignity of workers, while promoting mutually beneficial opportunities for countries of origin and destination.

She stressed the Government's commitment to engaging public authorities and the private sector to ensure the success of these initiatives, reaffirmed Portugal's continued commitment to the Rabat Process, called for enhanced cooperation and expressed its desire to exchange experiences and good practices during upcoming discussions on mobility. And evolution.

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She concluded by saying that the Portuguese Government maintains its commitment to playing an active role in promoting regular migration and safe, legal and dignified mobility, thus contributing to international efforts to create positive opportunities for all actors involved.

The main objective of this meeting is to explore the perspectives and opportunities offered by circular migration as a good practice in the field of labor migration. It also aims to identify issues associated with this pattern of migration and assess its impact on skills development.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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