Portugal celebrated in the canteen

Portugal celebrated in the canteen

The atmosphere was festive as the primary and middle class students lined up in the school hall, before entering the dining hall.

To the sound of the accordion, the women in charge of the service, dressed for the occasion in typical Portuguese clothes, began to dance and wave the castanets.

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The tables were decorated with green and red tablecloths as the cards made by the preschool children revealed the map of Portugal and its culinary specialities. Not forgetting the football team in which Cristiano Ronaldo appeared.

In short, all the ingredients were there so that the students could partake in a meal out of the ordinary. On the menu: as a starter, grâo de bico, salado do tomato, pepino, tomato salad, cucumber and hummus. Then, for the main course, bacalhau brandade, cod brandade, queijo, or cheese, and for dessert, milancia or melon.

Once they had tasted the watermelon, the students left the room and sat down and were replaced by those who were in the preparatory course and kindergarten who were also given the same Portuguese menu.

Meal prepared by Catherine Demay and Lucite Fadbled, Presentation, Helen Colin, Isabelle Colin, Patricia Gasnier, Rosaria Sodin, Valerie Szora and Leslie Fadbled.

Present on the occasion, the mayor, Bernard Pozzoli, remarked, “The usual cook Fabrice Aurat has been on sick leave for three months, and Catherine Demay has put the hat on to replace him? Moreover, he stands out and she values ​​him very much.”

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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