Portuguese Alvaro Pacheco in Besiktas landmarks

Portuguese Alvaro Pacheco in Besiktas landmarks

In search of a replacement for Fernando Santos, the Turkish club Besiktas is considering signing Alvaro Pacheco, the current coach of Vitoria Guimarães.

Besiktas Istanbul has just parted ways with Fernando Santos due to poor results. To replace the experienced Portuguese coach, the club management can rely on one of its citizens, Alvaro Pacheco.

Pacheco instead of Fernando Santos?

Goal Able to confirm that there is real interest from Besiktas in the current coach of Guimarães. Interest dating back several months already. Things could accelerate in the coming days now that the coaching position has become vacant with the Eagles.

Pacheco, 52, is one of Portugal's upcoming coaches. He is currently having an excellent season with his team. Guimarães is 5H In the standings, this number of points was not counted at this stage of the season (57 after 29 days). The team also reached the quarter-finals of the Portuguese Cup.

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Besiktas is in competition with Sao Paulo

He is a technician known for his attacking style and great intensity in the game his troops play. This is how he particularly stood out in Estoril and Vizilla. Recently, The AS daily newspaper was full of praise for him and described him as the coach who revolutionized football in Portugal.

Note that Besiktas is not the only club targeting this coach. The same applies to São Paulo. The prestigious Brazilian club still has a coach at the moment (Thiago Carpini), but is already preparing for the future. Pacheco is one of his goals, especially since he visited Brazil in 2023 and expressed his desire to train in this country. Botafogo has also thought about him in the past.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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