Portuguese Modernism – Actu-Juridique

Portuguese Modernism – Actu-Juridique

José de Almada Negreros (1893-1970), portrait of Fernando Pessoa [Retrato de Fernando Pessoa]1964, oil on canvas (226 x 225 cm), Lisbon

CAM – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

The France-Portugal 2022 season, which takes place simultaneously in both countries, highlights the collaboration between artists, researchers, associations, universities and many other institutions between our cities and regions, which deeply connect France and Portugal.

after, after Chitas of Alcobaça exhibition at the Musée Toile de Jouy in YvelinesGustave Caillebotte’s home in Lerís, Essonne, hosts “Portuguese Modernism”.

Where Gustave Caillebotte painted his paintings, Portuguese Modernism is found at the heart of Impressionism.

Portuguese Modernism, with roots in the 2000s to the 1960s, is a story written between Lisbon, Paris, Paris, and Lisbon. The French capital, a favorite place for artists at the time, attracted many Portuguese in search of renewal. The poet Fernando Pessoa is the guardian figure and its main founder.

“This little-known story is part of and highlights a much larger international context, from artists of different generations and styles, and modernities from all countries, from all continents.”

The exhibition highlights one hundred works by Portuguese artists to discover or rediscover. Each gave Lusitano’s modern art another look, which will cross borders.

A unique journey that leads us to rethink the history of art outside of its great personalities…

Works by Sarah Afonso, José de Almada Negreros, Mario Cesarini, Antonio Dacosta, Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, Ophelia Marques, Santa Rita Pintor, Amadeo de Souza Cardoso, Arpad Szenes, Eduardo Viana and Maria Helena are on display.

• Maison Caillebotte, 8 rue de Concy, 91330 Yerres

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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