Potato chips and pizza… That's why the “smoky” flavor will soon disappear from the shelves

Potato chips and pizza… That's why the “smoky” flavor will soon disappear from the shelves

The European Commission has banned eight substances used by manufacturers to give food a smokey taste. This can actually damage consumers' DNA.

Mathis Thomas

He wrote on updated

The European Commission has given manufacturers five years to adapt their products –
Stock struggle

Prepare your taste buds for its disappearance. The smoky taste of some ultra-processed foods is in the spotlight. The reason is the health toxicity of the chemicals that manufacturers use to obtain their distinctive taste, as the European Food Safety Authority warns (Financial Supervision Authority).

As mentioned TF1 informationEuropean health authorities warn of eight substances responsible for the smoky smell in foods that are not found naturally, such as potato chips, ham or even some types of cheese. Last April, European Commission It announced that it had not renewed its license for use in the region. Immediate conclusion: We will soon have to say “goodbye” to the comforting and retro grilled flavor of these products.

DNA risks

Experts were unable to rule out genotoxic risks for any of the eight smoke flavoursThe authority said in a press release.Genotoxicity is the ability of a chemical to damage the genetic material of cells“, specified the health authority. In other words, the DNA of consumers of the products in question may be altered or even damaged by these substances.

These are potentially mutations, they can cause cancer, and they can also cause diseases that can be passed on to grandchildren and to children.“, Warn TF1 information Elsa Abdoun, the magazine's food expert What do you choose. “So this is a big health risk.

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Read also: How do you know if a product is ultra-processed?

How do I know if a product is affected?

A simple reflex that lets you know if substances hazardous to health reported by European authorities are in your shopping cart: just check the ingredients list. If you see “smoke flavor” on the list, this product is one of the foods that will soon be banned.

However, this procedure does not apply to naturally smoked foods, such as salmon or pork. Don't worry if you see “natural flavors” on the product.

However, don't expect the products in question to disappear from supermarket shelves overnight: the Commission has given manufacturers five years to adapt their products.

There is still a lot of sugar in processed foods! —
Health Magazine – France 5

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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