“Pro-Nubian Economists Don’t Represent ‘Science'”

“Pro-Nubian Economists Don’t Represent ‘Science'”

TRIBUNE – The authors have argued that it is not correct to use an individual’s academic status to disguise LFI activity as a scientific approach, thus impressing and intimidating public opinion.

Dozens of economists have published a newspaper column Dinar titled “We support the Nobis economic program in the legislative elections.” calling for “Cut with neoliberalism”.

Their first mistake was to suggest that Macron’s policy was inspired by “neoliberalism”. This completely ignores the fact that our country is a luxury country, with 59% of GDP in public spending and 47% of GDP in compulsory taxes. Crush taxes, massive public debt, and state presence in all directions: no developed country in the world practices a policy more central, more intrusive in the private lives of individuals, more negative, more opposed to free individual initiative.

The second mistake of the signatories is to ignore the foundations of economic science by daring to support a project that the joint disastrous program of the Socialist Party and the French Communist Party government in the 1970s could moderate. he is…

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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