Quebecers don’t want to know anything about Charles III

Quebecers don’t want to know anything about Charles III

Already skeptical of the monarchy under Elizabeth II, only 1% of Quebecers believe their new king will do better.

• Read also: Two days after the death of Elizabeth II, Charles III was officially proclaimed king

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Unless proven otherwise, Charles III is not of the same rank as his mother. Christian Burke, Vice President of Leisure, points out that he does not have his things.

The company’s latest survey is clear: The majority of Quebecers surveyed expect the Queen’s eldest son to be “of lower quality” than her.

“We can conclude that Elizabeth has proven to be a good sovereign for them and that Charles has a hill to climb to equal it,” adds Marc Chevrier, a professor of political science at the University of Quebec in Montreal, after seeing the survey results.

It must be said that even in English Canada, the new 73-year-old king has never aroused feelings.

When Charles, then a prince, visited the country in 2009 with his wife Camilla, 2% of Canadians thought they would make for “strong” monarchs, according to a Leger poll at the time.

Mr. Burke recalls that his extramarital affair with Camilla and his stormy divorce to Mrs. Dee shortly before his death are certainly not unrelated.


However, the survey reveals that 15% of respondents are still associated with the monarchy, which rises to 19% among women. It was 6% last year, all genders combined.

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“People may have had some pricks in their hearts. In general, we reject the establishment, but the one we liked, ”advs. pollster Christian Burke.

As evidence of this, two out of three Quebecers agreed that the government should lower their flags on the occasion of Elizabeth II’s death.

past history

However, despite this respect for the monarch, the majority of French speakers (83%) and Anglophones (54%) think the monarchy is “useless”.

Mr Burke sees this as a sign that some Commonwealth countries, including ours, could use it to call into question their commitment to the British Crown, once the national mourning is over.

Disputes in recent years about the representatives of the Queen in Canada, in the person of the governor-general, the image did not help; Think the extravagant expenses of Lise Thibault, the toxic work climate in Julie Payette’s office, or the monolingual Marie Simon.

With Louis Dechenes

2009 مسح survey

Regarding the monarchy and its relationship to Canada, what is the best statement you think?

  • Having a queen as head of state is a great tradition and should remain a part of Canadian culture: 11%
  • The monarchy has no reason to be in the Canadian government and this country should cut ceremonial ties with the Queen: 78%

Survey 2021

Do you want to abolish or preserve the monarchy in Canada?

  • Cancel: 74%
  • Governorate: 12%
  • Don’t know: 14%

Are you related to the property?

  • No: 88%
  • Yes: 6%
  • I don’t know: 6%

Survey 2022

1) Are you saying that you are connected personally or that you are not associated with the British monarchy?

  • No: 81%
  • Yes: 15%
  • I don’t know: 5%
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2) Do you think Charles III would be a better king, as a good king or a lesser quality monarch than Queen Elizabeth II?

  • Best: 1%
  • Worst: 53%
  • good: 18%
  • Don’t know: 28%

3) Do you think the British monarchy is taking up just enough space, too much space or not taking up enough space in Canadian institutions?

  • Not enough space: 2%
  • Just enough space: 33%
  • Too much space: 57%
  • I don’t know: 8%

4) In your opinion, is ownership in Canada beneficial or useless?

  • Useful: 13%
  • Useless: 77%
  • I don’t know: 10%

5) Which of the following statements best expresses your personal opinion of the standing of property in Canada?

  • The British monarchy is part of our history, we must preserve this heritage: 26%
  • The monarchy is something outdated and no longer has a place in the 21st century, we must get rid of it: 66%
  • I don’t know: 8%

6) Do you agree or disagree with the Quebec government’s decision to lower Quebec’s flags?

  • Agree: 65%
  • Disagree: 21%
  • Don’t know: 14%

methodology: A web poll was conducted yesterday by Léger among 505 Quebecers who can speak French or English. The maximum margin of error for this sample is plus or minus 4.4%, 19 times out of 20.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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