Quint Fonsegraves. Son’s gait: Three Portuguese racers lead the race

Quint Fonsegraves.  Son’s gait: Three Portuguese racers lead the race

The Balade de la Saune, held in Quint-Fonsegrives on Sunday October 10 and which we reported in our edition on Thursday October 13, saw more than 700 runners take part, including three Portuguese from Leiria, the city that twins with Quint – Surrender. Two of these Portuguese subjects were under the auspices of the Quint-Fonsegrives-Jumelages, which invited, supported and absorbed them. They were also greeted by Mayor Jean-Pierre Jasque upon their arrival in Fonsegreaves on Saturday noon, the day before the race. He was accompanied by a number of elected officials and representatives of the Portuguese community, including Elie dos Santos, president of the association. Not only did these two young Leiria students finish, they both took first place in their class: Nuno Rodrigo Da Silva Ferreira, 22, ran 14 kilometers in 48 minutes 54 seconds, thus taking first place in the “Boys” category and in the “Girls” category Joanna dos Santos Ferreira won the 14km race in 56 minutes and 9 seconds. And the story doesn’t end there, another Portuguese, this independent, also from Leiria, Luis (name not known) won in his 58-year-old class. We knew the Portuguese were excellent footballers, and now we know they are good runners too. Therefore, they are eagerly awaiting the 31st edition of the Balade de la Saune in 2023.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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