Representative of the Health and Savings Department at the human level

More and more risk holders and brokers are choosing to outsource their contract management in order to focus solely on risk management, advice and distribution. NoveoCare, one of the main independent management representatives in the field of health and care in France, responds to this challenge with its many management and communication centers at the human level.

35 years of experience in delegating health and wellbeing management

Novio Care, one of the two companies resulting from a shareholder change in GFP in 2020, with its head office in Chartres, is a managing delegate specializing in medical expenses and savings insurance. You perform this task on behalf of risk carriers (mutual funds, insurance companies, etc.) or brokers. Most of the activity consists of answering calls from policyholders, updating contracts, printing mutual insurance cards at the end of the year, health reimbursement, and so on.

“We are about 800 people, distributed in different administration centers in France, Bulgaria and Porto in Portugal,” explains Rodolphe Chevalier, CEO of NoveoCare. “Each center is responsible for the client portfolio. They are centers on a human level, consisting of 30 to 50 people who are therefore fully aware of the health and savings policies for which they are responsible, in order to form a close relationship with them partners. If some management centers are located abroad, All our call centers are located in France,” he said.

Develop new products with enhanced specialization

While NoveoCare specializes in health and savings insurance, the company wants to strengthen its business of providing employees outside of health and savings insurance, such as pension or life insurance.

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“Our ambition is to double the volume in the coming years, by continuing to develop, on the one hand in our core business, but also by offering partnerships with other players as well, from start to finish” other “of the management chain, either on the partdeclares Rudolf Chevalier. We are also experiencing difficulties with recruitment, and therefore we are carrying out important thinking on how best to offer attractive career paths.”Concludes.

The administration’s mandate in health and pensions is proving vulnerable to cyber-attacks on health data. NoveoCare, which is responsible for the health data of 1.5 million French people, has made it one of its priorities.

This content has been produced in partnership with OpenMedias. The BFM Business editorial team was not involved in producing this content.

In partnership with OpenMedias

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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