Review: A crianca – Cineuropa

Review: A crianca – Cineuropa

– Marguerite de Hillerin and Félix Dutilloy-Liégeois tackle this fashion fantasy about the complexity of human emotions with a contemporary look

Review: A Crianca

Loc Corbery and João Arrais in Shouted

The first feature film Marguerite de Hellerin And the Felix Dutelloy LegoaAnd the Shouted [+lire aussi :
interview : Félix Dutilloy-Liégeois et…
fiche film
Freely inspired by the tale bastard From Heinrich von Kleist. The film, which follows João Arrais as Bela, an orphan adopted by a French-Portuguese aristocratic couple, focuses mainly on the various relationships of this character: with his adoptive parents, his friends, his lover, and the people who work for him. He and his family. It depicts the cinematic movements, above all emotional and psychological, of the story of a young boy who appears to be at a great moment of self-discovery and the center of the dynamics of his entire family. These moves only deepen when the evolution that the other characters will make is revealed: if we dare compare the film’s approach to an orange or an onion we peel, it’s justified in the case of this movie. As we get closer to all of these people, we understand more and more their individual stories, in all their intricacies, as well as what lies beneath the surface.

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Shoutedspecified in Rotterdam As part of the Tiger Competition, it is set in the Portuguese countryside in the 16th century, at a time when the country’s conservative religious traditions were dominant. However, we were struck by the contemporary side of the film. Stripped of all the excess trappings that the historical genre often has (to the point where we now expect it) and sometimes transformed into caricatures weighed down by the exaggerated theatricality of their dialogues, photography and sets, this feature film allows us to create a true connection to its characters, And it is brilliantly interpreted by all the actors. Thus, we understand the historical and social context of the film in a more natural and familiar way, while also appreciating the very well-designed clothes that each character wears. The authors’ approach also avoids adopting a typical heterogeneous and monogamous perspective. Bella’s adoptive parents have a multiple relationship: Bella’s father is in a public relationship with his friend Jack and her mother is emotionally overwhelmed by a ghost from the past. The fact that the main character is a cis boy and his name is in the feminine form of the Portuguese word for “beautiful” can be considered as a small additional detail that was added (even if very light) to this incompatible position of the most pleasant.

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One can also feel in this film a deep understanding of how spaces, lights, and photography inevitably affect the film. Every physical boundary is fraught with a sense of separation between what is ideal and what is unknown, what is “real” and what is revealed. Even if the palette of some exteriors during the day seems to lack a little tenderness and warmth, at night, before our eyes are aesthetically stunning images. The web of plots becomes more intertwined as the film progresses, and through clean and well-designed editing, he not only manages to show how those complex knots form, but also underlines what life, and the human being, can be like. , Sometimes. Describe it exactly like this: a consistent mix of feelings.

In the secluded paradise where the film unfolds, the directors come closer and closer, slowly, as befits their characters, to compose an unexpected, disturbing and very beautiful picture: a picture of family and love but also misunderstanding, sadness, mourning and above all tragedy that seems inevitably prevalent. There can be no happy ending in this movie (or in life), just a sublime human flow of encounters and moments where you learn to exist, for better or worse.

Shouted Produced by Leopardo Films in collaboration with Alfama Films and with financial support from the ICA, the Portuguese Ministry of Culture and RTP.

(translated from english)

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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