Tuesday, October 24, 2023, is World Polio Day. It is a contagious and contagious disease that Rotary fights tirelessly, particularly through its polio programme, which it launched in the mid-1980s. Since then, the charity has funded more than three billion vaccines.
It’s a lot, but it’s still not enough: He added: “Nine cases were recently detected between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which proves that we must not stop making efforts.” Points out Pascal Tansuret, from the Rotary Club of Sables-sur-Sart.
“One recycled cartridge is enough for 6 to 12 vaccines.”
He and his fellow Rotarian Sabulian members have relaunched an empty ink cartridge recycling operation to raise money. “We’ve all used cartridges. HP or Canon brand cartridges are the best value. A recycled cartridge can fund between 6 and 12 vaccines. He explains.
To collect them, a ballot box was installed in the printer section of Super U, De Laval Road. Others will also be available at several downtown businesses. “To spot them, stores place a distinctive sticker at their entrance.” Pascal Tensorier points out.
In previous years, this procedure lasted for two months. “Now, it should become permanent, all year round.” He refers to a man who has just assumed responsibilities within the Rotary Polio Eradication Foundation.
In 2022, the Rotary Club of Sables-sur-Sarthe raised the bar very high, by complementing this work with a charitable performance of the play. Factions at risk, from the Solesmes Theater Company, Joël-Le Theule Theater. The evening, organized in March, raised enough money to pay for 24,000 vaccines! “This makes us one of the largest contributors nationally.” Welcome Pascal Tensoret.