RTL Infos – Editorial by François Olner: Luxembourg's 'Portugal Street'?

RTL Infos – Editorial by François Olner: Luxembourg's 'Portugal Street'?

April 25 marks the 50th anniversary of the “Clove Revolution” in Portugal. The peaceful military coup opened the way from dictatorship to democracy. 4 years ago, the governments of Luxembourg and Portugal reached an agreement to allow the migration of Portuguese workers to Luxembourg. In his editorial, François Olner declared his love.

About 15% of Luxembourg's population has Portuguese citizenship. Every sixth person – if not more – has a direct connection to Portugal. In my opinion, living together works well, even if there is always room for improvement. Example: Portuguese students always have more difficulty than Luxembourgish students. Efforts are being made and will never be enough. However, the development appears positive. We read in fact, in A Stady Written by Jérôme Turbo in 2012 for Ceps/Instead (now Liser), the integration would be “relatively successful”. Descendants of Portuguese immigrants in the 1960s and 1970s “Experience upward social mobility”. Their ancestors came from “humble” backgrounds: the men built houses in Luxembourg, and the women worked as cleaners. Often this is still the case, but now the Portuguese, respectively, Luxembourgians of Portuguese origin, have integrated all levels of society. They have businesses, high-ranking positions in the private and public sectors and even political roles.

I hope Jérôme Turbot will forgive me for an overly simplified summary of his study. The researcher specifically points out that: “Today Luxembourg provides an environment conducive to this reconciliation, whether through a context and policy that does not hinder, or even supports, this multiculturalism, or through the society’s benevolent attitude toward immigration. However, we can ask whether higher unemployment rates in the future, or “Calling into question the Grand Duchy's generous social security system, or the immigration of non-European populations who are known – rightly or wrongly – to have difficulty integrating, could upset this balance.”

We can add note From my colleague Pete Everling who asked the question two years ago: “Is Luxembourg still attractive?” Several people I spoke to recently emphasized the importance of the question. This policy must preserve workers' interest in taking on these tasks that many of us are no longer able or willing to do. Moreover, at a time when some criticize immigration, the history of Lusso-Luxembourg can teach us a lot. Contact journalist Ricardo J. Rodriguez Discover Moreover, two years ago, a Luxembourgish insult towards the Portuguese, which nevertheless aroused his pride and the pride of his countrymen.

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On April 25, Portugal will celebrate its 50th anniversaryy Memory of his revolution. To celebrate this event, the National Museum of History and Arts will present a exposureIn my opinion, it is a fair recognition of the important role played by our Portuguese friends there and here. However, one day my friend Ricardo asked me if there was a “Portugal Street” in Luxembourg? The answer is no.” In Mamer, “Lisbon Street” intersects with “Rome”, “Berlin” and “Athens” streets, but in fact, Portugal has long deserved a street or boulevard.

Certainly no one owed the other anything and no one formally asked for it. But if you ask me this question, I think that the Portuguese, just like the Italians and the Cape Verdeans and all the others who came to the country, have enriched our lives. I celebrate this.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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