RTL Infos – Health: No cases of measles in Luxembourg for five years

RTL Infos – Health: No cases of measles in Luxembourg for five years

Luxembourg's last measles epidemic dates back to 2019. While 21 confirmed cases of measles were recorded in the Grand Duchy five years ago, no more cases have been observed since then.

During the past four years, 17 cases of infection with the virus were suspected based on symptoms, but laboratory tests came back negative.

European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)European Center for Disease Prevention and ControlHowever, it is believed that cases of this highly contagious infection will increase in the EU in the coming months, because two-dose vaccination coverage is described as suboptimal.

The World Health Organization recommends vaccination coverage of more than 95% with two doses for the entire population in order to eliminate this virus. In Luxembourg, the two-dose vaccination coverage rate is estimated at 94%. Two doses are given to young children, one at 12 months and one between 15 and 23 months.

Infants and children under the age of five are particularly vulnerable to measles. They are at risk of developing serious complications accompanied by irreversible neurological problems.

These details were provided by Health Minister Martine Deprez to LSAP MP Mars Di Bartolomeo, who was concerned in a parliamentary question about a possible wave of measles cases.

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