RTL Infos – “I am confident”: six young Portuguese people file a lawsuit against 32 countries over climate inaction

RTL Infos – “I am confident”: six young Portuguese people file a lawsuit against 32 countries over climate inaction

With the support of an NGO, six young people from Portugal have launched a legal attack against 32 countries, mostly in Europe, for a lack of action against climate change.

“Let governments keep their promises.” : Portuguese youth who are filing a lawsuit against 32 countries before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) because “Inaction” He said in the face of climate change “Confident” Wednesday, six days before the decision.

“We just want governments to keep their promises, Let them do what they saidTherefore, additional measures should be taken.”Andre Oliveira, 16, announced during a video conference.

The teenager is one of Six Portuguese nationals aged between 12 and 24 years Which in 2020, with the support of the global NGO Glan, submitted an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights challenging the policy of the 27 EU member states and five other countries (Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Russia).

“The situation is deteriorating It seems as if every month we are told about new heat records“We are getting used to these extreme events.”He lamented. “We have tropical storms in Portugal, and the measures taken here are not effective enough to stop or slow down these phenomena.”.

Prosecutors are waiting for the court, which is headquartered in Strasbourg, to impose an obligation on the states Strengthening the fight against global warming In the decision she is scheduled to make on Tuesday, which will be the first.

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“The victory (…) will represent the most important legal development for Europe since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015.”Gerry Liston, a lawyer within GLAN, confirmed. “I am sure”he added. We have made very strong argumentsHowever, governments have essentially not challenged evidence that their policies are compatible with a three-degree temperature rise or worse.

But the Grand Chamber, the highest formation of the court, will not decide on the merits of the request unless it finds that the request does not conflict with the procedural rules, which usually require the exhaustion of legal remedies in the state before seizing it.

“It's an impossible task.”Jerry Liston appreciated highlighting the number of states involved. “but 85% of applications (filed before the European Court of Human Rights) are considered inadmissibleOnly a small portion is presented in front of the great room. “So this is a strong signal that we have a strong position on admissibility.”

European judges are scheduled to simultaneously issue two other decisions in cases related to climate change, brought by the former mayor of Grand-Synthe, Damien Carême, against France, and by the Elders for Climate Protection against Switzerland.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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