Rugby World Cup: Portugal in Perpignan for training and exchange

Rugby World Cup: Portugal in Perpignan for training and exchange

USAP and its president François Rivière put in place Small dishes in large dishes For the official announcement of Portugal's stay in Perpignan during the Rugby World Cup. The Mayor of Perpignan, Head of Administration, Head of Urban Community and Head of Sports of the Region were at his side to welcome the General Director of the World Cup, Julien Collet, as well as Portugal's coach, Patrice. Lagiskit.

Blue flag of France

From August, the Portuguese national team will benefit from the USAP facilities at the Sports Park and will stay at the Villa Duflot Hotel. “It is exceptional, it has never happened before in this region to host a country during a World CupSay hello to François Rivière. againstIt has been three years of effort to convince the Rugby World Cup that Perpignan can and should play among the greatest players. We will now see with Patrice Laguesquet how we distribute the combinations, either the USAP will return to Aimee-Geral, or we will make sure that we have compatible calendars. But what is interesting is that there is opposition between USAP and Portugal“.

The third country to settle in Occitania

The Portuguese delegation visited facilities in Carcassonne, Narbonne and Perpignan. The choice fell on Catalan facilities. The USAP Training Center will therefore display the Portuguese colours, facilities that have been at the center of discussions for years. It will be refined a bit before Portugal arrives, while we wait for the best: “You will have ads within a few daysS (January 17, editor's note) It is on these things that both training and everything USAP in general will evolve. Facilities will be improved at least this year with the arrival of Portugal“.

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Thus, the Portuguese community and the world of amateur rugby will be able to do so Meets and interacts with the Portuguese national team : A team made up of amateur and professional players playing in France.

Animation will occur. However, it is clear that coach Patrice Laguesquet wants to open up to the public: “We will definitely have requests to participate in some events and the training will be open to the public. We'll play the game, and it'd be sad not to. We must take advantage of this event to continue Promote rugby*. We will not back down like professional football stars*.”

Portugal is the third country to settle in the Occitanie region after that Japan in Toulouse and Samoa in Montpellier. “We want to test this event in the larger area, Comments regional sports official Kamel Chebli. We will organize events in cities with our big players. “The idea is to launch a big regional tour starting in March.”

The idea would also be to hold a match between Portugal and Japan or Samoa in Aime Geralt during the World Cup. In the group matches, the Portuguese will face Wales, Georgia, Australia and Fiji.

Announcement by Aimee Giral on Portugal's arrival in Perpignan during the Rugby World Cup
Announcement by Aimee Giral on Portugal's arrival in Perpignan during the Rugby World Cup © Radio France
Cyril's method

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