Saint Daisier. All week, 500 years of science to discover in the social and cultural center

Saint Daisier.  All week, 500 years of science to discover in the social and cultural center

animation. On the occasion of the Fête de la science, an interactive exhibition is presented throughout the week in the Social and Cultural Centre. A chance to cross 500 years of science and technology, from Leonardo da Vinci to today’s robotics.

“Make them dream. This is the wish of Jean-Pierre Anchise and his wife Veronique at the Social and Cultural Center of Saint-Disier. From Saturday 8 to Sunday 16 October they present an exhibition accompanied by various activities on the occasion of the Fête de la science. Theme? “Leonardo and the Robots”. A reference to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, who died 503 years ago, and to current technology.

Multiple rooms

The main hall was occupied by the socio-cultural center, an adjoining room and a ballroom for the occasion. The day before (Fri), the whole couple was packed to mount the various parts. The most sensitive part? The Ornitottero, a cult piece of Leonardo da Vinci, is reproduced here at a precise scale, roughly 350 kilograms in the air. ” This work makes it possible to show the development of aviation, and in general to encourage thinking about artificial intelligence and since the Renaissance. “, explains Jean-Pierre Ancheise. Together they discovered the Haute-Marne, and they, who used to travel around France to present their exhibition. Inadvertently, they made a kind gesture to Air Base 113. Digital and wooden panels were installed around it. The invention of the printing press was also highlighted because it “It was a wonderful invention,” continues the curator.

Like bots and the Internet, it is in the CSC hall. On Friday, the Mecanoids were already. These are mechano robots that are able to respond to commands given. “They can exercise, roll, hold hands, and even dance,” adds Véronique Anchisi. An example of a fragment made by students from engineering schools in Annecy and Orleans. In the same room, another robot attracts attention: Aïdo. It is a very common little dog in nursing homes (accommodation institutions for dependent seniors) in Japan that can be interacted with.

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In short, a very immersive exhibition where participants will not only be spectators, but also actors. The guided tour will be conducted by Jean-Pierre Archese. At the same time, Véronique will lead the daily workshops that will consist of “Assembling a finger to InMoov, a humanoid robot”.

In addition to the Nationals, five chapters of Braggard will visit the venue throughout the week. An opportunity to discuss and learn more about this wonderful universe that continues to evolve. Will robots become smarter than humans soon? Items reply this week at CSC.

Discovery fair until October 16, Saturday and Sunday as well as Wednesday from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm, and on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4 pm to 6 pm. Workshop Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday at 10:15 am Guided tour on the same days at 11 am and 3 pm. free entry.

Louis Fanthorneot

[email protected]

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"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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