Saint-Étienne launched its plan to fight cancer

Saint-Étienne launched its plan to fight cancer

To the surprise of the municipality, the city of Saint-Etienne decided to mobilize against cancer by mobilizing health professionals as well as associations and all elected officials to become a national reference.

During the municipal campaign in 2020, the mayor of Saint-Étienne, Gael Berdereau, announced that his plan to fight cancer will be officially presented to the press on Monday 9 May. The public will be able to discover it on the occasion ofProtective village in the place of Jean Jaures and a day conference/round table at La Comète this friday. In 2016, 7,552 deaths from cancer were recorded in the Loire (the latest figures available at the local level).

I am convinced that the city, with its diverse areas of competence and resources, can have a positive impact and reduce risk factors‘, insists Mayor Gael Perdrio.

Test groups organized in Saint-Etienne

This plan will be specifically based on advance report Prepared by Professor Frank Chauvin, President of the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) and Director of Prevention and Population Health at Saint-Etienne University Hospital. “We will organize in the next few months Eight hearings with doctors, associations, representatives of the majority and the elected opposition … To identify concrete actions‘,” explains Patrick Michaud, Deputy Mayor in charge of Health and Cancer Plan. Topics will focus specifically on Addiction, physical activity, diet, instability, infection, and social and occupational reintegration… For those who were not able to participate in these sessions, an online platform will collect their testimonials and opinions.

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Concrete actions in the city

Then, the municipality of Saint-Etienne can decide, for example, that reduce smoking In parks, in front of schools, in sports fields… where Encourage more sports practice in the city. Initiatives that can be put into practice from the beginning of 2023.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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