San Gil: Suspects arrested in fatal stabbing in Portugal

San Gil: Suspects arrested in fatal stabbing in Portugal

Two men suspected of a fatal stabbing were recently arrested on November 28, 2022 in the town of San Gil, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Brussels Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the news, which was reported by Het Laatste Nieuws based on information from Brazilian media. The two men are still in Lisbon, awaiting the Portuguese courts to issue their ruling on the European arrest warrant issued against them.

The attack occurred in Saint-Gilles at approximately 6:15 p.m., in Bethlehem Square. The victim, Moaz E.J., 20, was stabbed before he died of his wounds. That evening, Brazil was playing Switzerland in the soccer World Cup, and according to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo, which relies on documents from the Portuguese public prosecutor’s office, Moaz E. G. asked a group of four to five people not to set off bombs and fireworks because they would To disturb passersby.

What followed was a debate with the Brazilians that ended in an altercation and a fight. During this confrontation, one of the suspects, Jefferson PM (age 21), allegedly handed a knife to the second suspect, Igor CM (age 24), who then stabbed the victim in the chest.

The two men, who hold Brazilian citizenship, were living in Belgium but fled to Portugal after the events. They were arrested there on Wednesday, October 11, based on a European arrest warrant issued by an investigating judge in Brussels. According to the Brazilian newspaper Folha do Progreso, the two men deny stabbing Moaz. They allegedly went to Bethlehem Square and saw the victim, but had nothing to do with the attack. Their lawyer claims that the two men fled Belgium because they received death threats.

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Belga – Image: Google Street View

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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