Science and spirituality: how they can complement each other

Science and spirituality: how they can complement each other

The intersection between science and spirituality

One might assume so Science and spirituality They were, were, and always will be at odds. However, this is not really true. both of them science And Spirituality They have more in common than one thinks and one can complement the other. They both focus on life and our existence, on beingAnd our place in it, matters related to birth and death, evolution and what reality or truth is. Of course there are differences between the two but if we examine what spirituality says and what science declares, we will realize that in reality, there is a synergy between the two.

What is spirituality?

My soul (3)

According to AIR Atman V. Ravi, spiritual leader and founder of AIR Institute of Cognition, “Spirituality is the ‘science’ of the Atman, the soul or soul. drunk. Spirituality is not just a matter of blind faith in God. It’s about doing the job. Far from following the flock, we must fly like birds. We have to wonder and explore. We have to “ask” and “investigate” and only then will we realize the “truth”. While scientists may go on missions in the outer world, explore and discover new things, and take journeys to find and study life, spirituality is about taking a journey within, and it is about taking an inner journey to discover our true self.

While science may insist on evidence and proof, spirituality is about achieving knowledge, wisdom, contemplation, introspection and perception. It’s about realizing who we are – not body, mind and ego, but spirit. The soul is the unique spark of life. It is energy, it gives us life. Just as energy cannot be created or destroyed, the spirit cannot be created or destroyed. He is immortal. He is without birth and without death. After the death of the body, the soul merges with the higher or higher soul everlasting The power we call it Machine.

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Defining God in terms of spirituality

But God is not a person or a saint. God is strength. God is a sip, the supreme immortal power and strength is nothing but energy. God is everywhere and in everything. Every human cell is an energy or spirit, a part of God, and therefore God Himself. In fact, everything is a manifestation of the power we call God. This is strongly supported by science itself through its branches quantum physics and quantum mechanics. In fact, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists for their work in this field.

My soul (2)

The relationship between science and spirituality

What spirituality calls the supreme immortal force, science calls energy. Science admits that it does not know even 1% of what this energy is. More than 99% of the existence in the universe is energy that has not been identified by science. Science calls it dark matter and dark energy. Those who have achieved realization know that this energy is only a sip, and is a part of the supreme immortal power. But this has to be experienced and cannot be defined in words.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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