Screen among youth: Father invents device to boost physical activity

Screen among youth: Father invents device to boost physical activity

A father from Levis has taken the problem of screens and social media among young people seriously by inventing a device that uses the screen as an incentive to get physical activity.

The unit, called Motivélo, and designed by Pierre Guillemette, is connected to a stationary bike and a tablet. When you press the pedal, the show you are watching is activated. Stops when no movement is detected.

With this invention, Mr. Guillemet wanted to encourage his son, who suffers from Tourette Syndrome, to combine screen time with physical activity.

“Maybe this is another step [se dire] : I really like cycling, and I might go out. “I would ride bikes a lot, and I would go reading,” the inventor explained in an interview with LCN.

“Instead of asking for more [de temps] “On the screen, once we finish the exercise, we can go and do something else,” he added.

His son clearly loves the new instrument and admitted to having a “stomach” during one of his last practice sessions on the Motivélo, and the heat was extremely intense.

The father has implemented a pilot project in a school in Quebec and hopes that this innovation will be used in other schools in the province.

Watch the full interview in the video above

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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