It is possible to avoid allergens in some cases. But the most effective way to treat pollen allergy permanently is through desensitization. This specific immunotherapy consists of exposing a person to an allergen for several years, in gradual doses. This action stimulates the immune system and makes the person tolerant to the substance. Exposure can be by subcutaneous injection or by sublingual administration as recommended by an allergist. This method is especially effective for pollen. The effects appear after a few months.
For symptoms affecting the nose, there are several possibilities. A person with allergies can use a nasal spray that contains corticosteroids, which are generally very effective. In addition, she can take antihistamines. It is possible to combine the two products at the same time for a more effective action.
For eye symptoms, using artificial tears can reduce allergy-related irritation. There are also over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops available. In the case of severe symptoms, eye drops containing corticosteroids, which are prescribed by prescription, can be used. Oral antihistamines can also be very helpful, especially when allergies are in the throat, ears, or nose, according to the MSD Manual.