The physician, father of the Nutri-Score, presents his professional certification by recounting the long way he has come since his first extensive study.
He began his career at a time when his specialty was justified mainly by imperfection; He finishes it at a time marked by so much … What revolutions France has gone through in terms of nutrition in less than half a century! to know ‘Barely recognized’ Which was mainly concerned with undernourishment until the sixties, it is today considered essentialwrites ins Serge Herzberg, and is distinguished by the multiple excesses of our panels.
Read alsoNutri-Score extension project in Europe revives old controversies
Fitz, the father of the Nutri-Score and NutriNet-Santé study, knew. “I’ve been hit. I’ve been given”writes the epidemiologist, giving us his professional testimony, and mentioning the long way we’ve come since Nutrition-Val-de-Marne 88, the first large-scale nutritional study, launched from the Cnam (Institute of National Arts and Crafts), where Serge Herzberg worked alongside Together with his wife Pilar.
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