Since June 22, the first season of a science fiction series appreciated by viewers around the world has been broadcast in France. However, she seems to be struggling to gain public attention in France.
Available to stream on Apple TV +, institution is a series created by David S. Unfortunately, it seems that the fantasy, although flattered by spectators from all over the world, has not yet caught the attention of French spectators. In fact, the penultimate episode of season 3 of HPI On TF1 entertain 7.46 million Viewers according to Médiamétrie, which left little chance for other channels … The evening of its launch on Canal +, the first season of institution It attracted only 45,000 spectators. Given its potential, but also and above all the excellent reviews, from the press and the public, it is to be hoped that an audience institution Again in the coming weeks!
institution Primetime broadcasting on Canal+, what is it?
Adapted from the eponymous work by Isaac Asimov, the series begins with Professor Harry Seldon’s prediction: He announces The impending collapse of the galactic empire, the Kleonsa long line of Emperor clones. “They are then forced to consider the potential reality of losing their great heritage forever and take steps to limit the damage. Dr. Seldon and a few of his followers are sent to the furthest reaches of the galaxy to build the Foundation, a special place to preserve the knowledge of civilization in hopes of rebuilding it.” Explain the summary.
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Twitter completely seduces institution
institution It may not be widely known yet, however The series is a success with those who watched it. On Twitter, netizens say they are already impatient to discover the second season: “Great series with an excellent cast, Apple is very strong in series production, and in a few days Season 2 of Foundation. We’re eating well at the moment what a treat”And “Hey team, I’m in the process of catching up on the new series on Apple TV, Foundation. Good SF and Season 2 is coming!!!”And “You haven’t seen me online much lately but I’ve been socializing a bit and I started the Enterprise series on #AppleTV and it was really good.”“.
I recommend the Isaac Asimov Foundation. Apple TV + also took over these volumes to create series. The story of this book is ingenious and damn clever.
– YyAkaLaVista (DarkSoulsSpirit) June 27, 2023
You haven’t seen me online much lately, but I mingle a lot and started the chain of inception #Camel And it’s really good 😊
– tyrandiel June 27, 2023
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# Good morning
Hey team, I love the new series on Apple TV, Foundation. Good SF and season 2 is coming!!!— Gurvan (@GurvanBeaudaire) June 26, 2023
😍 Makes me think there should be a season 2 of Founding soon ( which is also not bad at all like the SciFi series 😍
– Damien Marcel Rouad (@RouaudDamien) June 27, 2023
This article was written in collaboration with 6Medias