Side by Side Harris Waltz: Return of Hope

Side by Side Harris Waltz: Return of Hope

We can no longer count the stunning coups that have taken place in the US presidential election. Republican Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

After hanging on the curtains of the Oval Office for a long time, outgoing President Joe Biden finally left the race. His Vice President Kamala Harris quickly took over.

His Olympian calm, his formidable intelligence, his tenacious defense of minorities and women's rights to abortion—even his laugh—have become major assets in the Democratic campaign.

His choice of Tim Walz as his running mate was even more surprising. A senator with modest means, he is known for his progressive policies that focus on strong local communities.

Trump has chosen J.D. Vance as his running mate. A huge mistake, one he should surely regret. We continue to uncover the astonishing assertions of this young, ultra-conservative senator.

He actually mocked women “who have cats and no children” because, as he put it, they were incapable of looking after the interests of the country because they had never had children…


Donald Trump also found a way to publicly question the skin color of Kamala Harris, whose father was born in Jamaica and whose mother was born in India.

In short, the more time passes, the more the Trump-Vance duo becomes the embodiment of its epithet. strange (strange), which Tim Walls uses with great skill. The word strange Being of course cheap.

The result: On every level, the contrast between the duo is striking. On the strategic level, this is no coincidence either. Multiple attempts to demonize Trump have failed, and Democrats now aim to ridicule him from every platform. And it’s working.

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Democrats have finally moved the needle in their favor. At least for now. Because who knows what the next few months will bring in the unexpected department.


During his first speech as a vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz thanked Kamala Harris for “bringing joy back” to Democrats.

Sure, but in reality, the Harris-Walz tandem has achieved the impossible above all else. Or breathed the winds of real hope. In the United States and beyond.

Hope is a new possibility to block Donald Trump’s ambition to return to the White House, an ambition that seemed, until recently, to be on its way to being realized.

Even if victory over Trump is not automatically guaranteed, because the hope of defeating him now exists, it not only moves the ballot boxes, but also fills the Democratic Party's coffers and mobilizes its base.

Yes. And from that perspective, Tim Walz was absolutely right.

This hope even succeeds in putting a smile on the faces of voters who, under Joe Biden, were increasingly desperate at the mere thought of a second Trump presidency.

So, in politics as in life, hope is a powerful fuel.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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