Each year, more than a third of families are affected by food poisoning due to poor hygiene in the kitchen. Here are some simple tips that you should adopt to prevent the risk of contamination.
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Health Magazine
In addition to the responsibility of manufacturers to ensure the safest foods, in our kitchens everyone can also adopt simple hygiene rules. national food safety agencyhandles) has published a guide with tips to follow.
Before you start cooking, remember to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom or when returning home. Another common sense tip: Avoid cooking if you have gastroenteritis.
How do you store these foods?
The Health Agency recommends placing food in the refrigerator for a maximum of two hours after preparation. If possible in airtight containers, such as glass boxes for example. Do not consume your lotions for more than three days, especially for products that contain cream.
You should also remember to clean the refrigerator regularly. At a minimum, once a month and a full cleaning once a year. Take the opportunity to check that it is set correctly: the temperature should be between 0 and 4 degrees, to stop the reproduction of pathogens.
Use multiple cutting boards
You have a plate for raw fish and meat and another for cooked produce and clean vegetables. Also, remember to change sponges and tea towels regularly, as they are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
Finally, ANSES recommends in particular that children, pregnant women and people with immunodeficiency not consume raw meat, fish and dairy products. For meats like ground beef, remember to cook it thoroughly to protect against pathogens.
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