St Alban. Soon the municipal mutual?

St Alban.  Soon the municipal mutual?

Some Aucamvillois challenged the possibility of creating a joint municipality, Jean-Charles Valmy, a commissioner advisor responsible for social affairs in Aucamville, presented the idea to the municipality team. Several municipalities in the Toulouse region have already taken steps and even implemented Municipal Mutual Insurance. The goal is to provide maximum health protection to the residents of Aucamvillois, whatever their age, at unbeatable prices. Therefore, the municipality of Ocamville has chosen to embark on the process. Initially, the municipality would like to take back as many Ocamville as possible to see if they are sensitive to this suggestion. This is why there is a survey currently available on the City Council website at the following address: (Tab: Survey to create a joint municipal company), but also in “November Greetings”. The voucher will then be returned to the city hall reception. The municipality hopes for a big return of Aucamvillois, which determines the significance of the creation of this device. In the second step, the responses will be analyzed by the officials of the Community Center for Social Action (Ccas), and then a call for partnership with the various participating organizations will be launched. After consulting with the Social Affairs Committee and the Municipal Council, will the Aucamvilloise joint fund see the light?

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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