Study finds that a frying pan in poor condition can release millions of plastic particles

Study finds that a frying pan in poor condition can release millions of plastic particles

Researchers Australian Turn the Teflon pots and pans alarm on. While it allows chefs to reduce the use of fat, it can also be dangerous for the health When its non-stick coating is damaged. According to their study published in college ecology and leave by Science alertScratching releases up to 9100 particles plastic.

the worst. In just 30 seconds of cooking, a coating in very poor condition can release up to 2.3 million particles. To achieve this result, the scientists used Raman spectroscopy, a method for analyzing molecular structure. pointed slate. They cut a nonstick pot into pieces before simulating the cooking process with a CD player.

Faced with the potential danger from Teflon, specialists advise to dispose of all old pots and pans with a non-stick coating in poor condition. “It is essential to be strict in the selection and use of kitchen utensils to prevent food contamination,” stresses Yuhong Tang, an engineer from Flinders University in Australia. In addition, above all, do not use any sharp tool on the extensions kitchenwith the risk of premature destruction.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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