by Frank Maggnone
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This is the first time: from 1 to 5 March 2023, in Dole, the MJC organizes a series of presentations and workshops dedicated to science. pedagogical approach. MJC Director Pierre-Olivier Laulanné explains the process.
News: Pierre-Olivier Leulani, why this festival?
Pierre-Olivier Leulin: It all started with a request from our culture assistant, Jean-Philippe Lefevre, who asked us if we were planning to organize something to celebrate the bicentenary of Pasteur’s reception at the cinema. The memorial aspect didn’t interest us much but it made us wonder what we could do in the process of popular education. In this context, the idea of the Science Fiction Festival was born.
What educational goal do you aspire to from this festival?
PO.L.E. : During the health crisis, we have all seen distrust of scientists, politicians and, more broadly, representatives of the authorities. On television we saw scientists who said one thing, and others the opposite. It’s definitely annoying. The idea is for the plant to debunk the scientific consensus. There is no single truth that appears all at once, it is rather a process.
Your festival presents documentaries but also fiction. How can fiction help in understanding scientific reality?
PO.L.E. : Cinema remains cinema, but films are often well documented, based on scientific reality and then immersed in fantasy. But the best example of this is the Quebec series “Épidémie” that we will be broadcasting as part of the Marathon at Majestic. This series was released before the health crisis but assumed a global pandemic linked to the Coronavirus. It’s amazing to see on screen what we ourselves experienced a few months ago. This allows you to take a distance and think.
The interview was conducted by Julien Perrier.
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