Sun protection index: meaning, which one to choose?

Sun protection index: meaning, which one to choose?

Sun creams contain a sun protection factor, also called SPF. What does it correspond to? What is a high index? 30? 50? How do you choose it? According to his skin? Since when is it on the beach? From which indicator we nail? Meanings and tables to make the right decision.

The sun cream, oil and gel contain sun protection factoralso known as sun protection factor (FPS or SPF). The higher the index, the more the product will protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.Responsible for sunburn and increased risk of infection skin cancer. To find out The sun protection index is not the same as the UV index Which reflects the intensity of ultraviolet rays coming from the sun, which can be seen on weather maps. What is the sun protection factor? How Choose it according to your skin type and color ? from his timesun exposure ? On the beach or in the mountains? Are we tan anyway If we put on high factor sunscreen? know everything.

Definition: What is an SPF?

The higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen provides.

The sun protection index (SPF for sun protection factor, FPS for sun protection factor or IP for protection index) is indicated on a label. sun ointment. It is expressed in numbers and Evaluates the ability of the product to delay the aggression of UV rays on the skin. UVB rays are the cause of sunburn, and they are the main causes of skin cancer. The higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen provides. The European Commission decided to collect sun protection factors to keep them only 8 different numbers on the stickers are categorized into 4 categories: low protection, medium protection, high protection and very high protection. “If exposed to the sun, cover yourself with clothing, a hat, and sunglasses. In the absence of clothing, apply sunscreen (at least 30 index, at best index 50) every two to three hours, especially in areas at high risk of developing cancer (face, neck, shoulders, forearms, hands, etc.)Dr. Isabel Rousseau, a dermatologist, insists on an interview in June 2021 on the occasion of an article on the warning symptoms of skin cancer.

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Table: What do the indicators of sun protection mean?

Ranking of sun protection indicators
protection class The sun protection factor is indicated on the label
low protection 6-10
Medium protection 15 – 20 – 25
high protection 30-50
very high protection 50+
Photo sunscreen with SPF 30
Photo sunscreen with SPF 30 © zheleva – 123RF

The sun protection index is calculated according to the formula: 1 / index. for example, For an index of 30 cream, the amount of UV transmitted will be 1/30 or 3.33%. For a cream index of 10, the amount of UV transmitted will be 1/10, or 10%. For an index 50 cream, the amount of UV transmitted will be 1/50, or 2%.

For a proper sun protection index, it is necessary to take into account skin type and the Sun exposure conditions. Refer to the table below to choose your solar indicator.

Choose the index according to your skin conditions and sun exposure conditions
Moderate exposure (outdoor life) Large exposure (at the beach, outdoor activities) Heavy exposure (in the tropics, glaciers, skiing …)
very sensitive skin (Someone with milky white skin, freckles, red hair, always sunburned, and a history of skin cancer) high protection very high protection very high protection
Sensitive skin (People with fair skin, often with few freckles and/or strawberry blonde or brown hair, are often sunburned but may have a tan) Medium protection high protection very high protection
average skin (A light-skinned person tans easily, and only gets a sunburn during very intense exposure) low protection Medium protection high protection
Totally resistant skin (People with dull skin who tan easily without getting sunburned) low protection low protection Medium protection
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UVA . logo
UVA . logo © Ministry of Economy

► Check that your sunscreen contains, in addition to an SPF indicator, which indicates the level of UVB filtration, UVA . logo. It is the guarantee of optimal protection against UV rays responsible for premature aging of the skin. This logo is not mandatory but it is recommended and used by many professionals.

No full screen No sunscreen product can claim 100% protection against UV rays (suggestions such as “full screen” or “total protection” are prohibited).

Don’t confuse “sunscreen products” with so-called “sunscreen” products.such as self-tanning products or accelerators sunbathe (Monoi, milk fat…). These do not in any way provide protection against UVA and UVB rays and should not be used as such.

What is the highest sun protection factor?

The highest sun protection factor is 50+. It corresponds to a very high protection. This index means that the cream “allows” only 2% of UV rays, but it must be reapplied every two hours. It is used for very sensitive skin in case of intense or intense exposure to the sun (beach, outdoor activity, in the tropics, in a glacier) and sensitive skin In case of heavy exposure to the sun (in the tropics, in a glacier).

Do you tan with a high sun protection factor of 30 or 50?

yes. A high index, up to 50, filters out ‘only’ 98% of UV rays, so the skin will stay that way exposed to 2% of UV rays It emits from the sun, so the protected skin will gradually discolor, avoiding sunburn and the risk of skin cancer. know that 15 minutes of sun exposure is enough to stimulate the tanning mechanism. The use of a sunscreen with a high protection factor makes it possible to postpone the moment when the amount of UV rays on the skin becomes too large and causes the appearance of sunstrokeThis makes it impossible to be exposed to the sun in the following days.

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Sun protection index for glasses: which one to choose?

When affixed to sunglasses, it represents the sun protection factor Protection level of colored lenses for glasses. “Always wear sunglasses with Good protection index (out of at least 34 for children or if you go to the mountains or the sea), wearing glasses CE . mark Which certifies European conformance and is really effective at filtering UV rays”, Recommends Valerie Rubio, optometrist with a Générale d’Optique diploma and specialist in pediatric optics.

Sun protection factor for sunglasses
category Uses till when ? Filtered Light Ratio
0 Aesthetic comfort glasses to avoid less than 19%
1 low sunlight The brightness of the sun is limited, when the sky is gray and cloudy between 20 and 57%
2 average solar luminosity Average sunshine excluding summer period between 58 and 82%
3 Strong sun shine Strong gloss context, during summer (beach, sea) and winter (mountain, ski) periods between 83 and 92%
4 super brightness Extreme conditions (climbing in high mountains or on glaciers), category Driving is prohibited Because it changes vision and color perception between 92 and 97%

Sources: Ministry of Economy Government / Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention / National Consumer Institute (INC)

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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