Taiwan | China promises zero tolerance for ‘separatists’

Taiwan |  China promises zero tolerance for ‘separatists’

(Beijing) China vowed on Wednesday not to leave “room for maneuver” for Taiwan independence supporters, stressing that the “use of force” to retake the island remains on the table as a “last resort”.

Posted at 7:14 am

Ludovic Iret
France media agency

This new warning comes after intensive Chinese military exercises carried out in recent days around the island, in response to a visit to Taipei, the third-ranked American, Nancy Pelosi.

Beijing viewed the residence of the speaker of the House of Representatives as a provocation, as the United States has vowed not to have a formal relationship with the island’s territory claimed by China.

The Taiwan Affairs Office, a Chinese government agency, released a “white paper” on Wednesday detailing how Beijing plans to take control of the island, including through economic incentives.

“We are ready to create a wide space (for cooperation) in order to achieve peaceful reunification,” the document said.

But we will not leave any room for separatist actions aimed at the false independence of Taiwan. »

China considers Taiwan, with a population of about 23 million, as one of its provinces, which has not yet succeeded in reunification with the rest of its territory since the end of the Chinese Civil War (1949).

For seven decades, the communist army was unable to occupy the island, which remained under the control of the Republic of China – the regime that once ruled China and now rules only Taiwan.

“Red lines”

“We do not pledge to renounce the use of force,” asserts the Beijing white paper, the first on the topic since 2000, before setting out its observations.

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“Force can be used as a last resort, in force majeure. We will have to take drastic measures in the face of provocations by separatists or outside forces, if they cross our red lines.”

The white paper also promises economic prosperity after “reunification.”

So China suggests strengthening cultural ties, in terms of social security and health or even promoting better economic “integration”.

The text promised that “with a strong and reliable homeland, Taiwanese citizens will be stronger, more confident, safer and more respected on the international stage.”

Some Taiwanese youth, especially in recent years, have begun to develop an identity different from that of mainland China.

A phenomenon encouraged by the Democratic Progressive Party (PDP, pro-independence) of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who came to power in 2016.

Unlike the previous government, Ms.I Tsai refuses to consider Taiwan and mainland China as part of “one China”. A situation that significantly deteriorated relations with Beijing.

Despite the current tensions, Taiwanese opposition politician Andrew Hsia Li Yan traveled to mainland China on Wednesday where entrepreneurs and students from the island are supposed to meet after the quarantine.

A senior diplomat and former head of the Taiwanese body responsible for issues relating to mainland China, Mr. Hsia is the vice-chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), another major Taiwanese party, which is anti-independence and advocates pragmatic relations. with Beijing.

Controversial visit

Taiwan’s presidential party on Wednesday denounced “not only has the moment been chosen poorly” but “in addition, it is an insult to our military, which spares no effort to protect our country.”

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This visit “sends a bad message to the international community,” for his part, Tsai Ing-wen denounced in front of his party members.

China considers the Taiwanese president’s party a “separatist”, but also anyone who openly struggles for independence or the weakening of the Chinese identity of Taiwanese.

The Chinese military has conducted its largest-ever military exercise around Taiwan in recent days. It was supposed to end on Sunday, but it continued this week.

And the army finally announced, on Wednesday, that “all tasks have been completed,” referring to their end.

Taiwan held its own exercises on Tuesday to rehearse a response to a Chinese attack.

Tsai Ing-wen and DPP […] Taiwan is pushing towards the abyss of disaster. They will end up nailed to the repertoire of history! In a statement Wednesday, Tan Kefei, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, criticized.

Relations (between Beijing and Taiwan) again face two options for the future. It is up to the Taiwan authorities to make the right decision on which direction to take. »

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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