Take care of your teeth and slow down their aging

Take care of your teeth and slow down their aging

Cavities, gingivitis, tartar … “Bonjour Doctor” teaches you how to take care of your teeth throughout your life with a specialist.

a French out of four Brush your teeth less than twice a day. Tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer… Diseases associated with our teeth are numerous, hence the importance of caring for them.

In France, only 66% of French people go to the dentist once a year. An important appointment to detect any abnormalities as soon as possible and thus avoid complications.

Among the enemies of our teeth is sugar, of course! To prevent it from attacking our mouth too much, an effective solution: brushing our teeth. It is also advised to practice annual descaling to prevent tartar buildup.

SurgeonDentist and spokesperson French Federation of Oral and Dental Hygiene, Christophe Likert is a guestHello Doctor“.

Checker medical questions

France Bleu listeners direct their questions to Dr. Jimmy Mohamed:

  • Is there a relationship between poor eyesight and bouts of anemia?
  • After how many attacks is a migraine diagnosed?
  • What is bruxism?
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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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