Tarascon Sur Areej. The Portuguese folk band celebrates its fiftieth anniversary

Tarascon Sur Areej.  The Portuguese folk band celebrates its fiftieth anniversary

In a few days, the Portuguese folk group from Tarascon will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. Birthday will be celebrated with joy. Forget the “saudade” that presided over the creation of the group in 1973: that group of people uprooted, far from their country…” It all started during an exhibition at the Saint-Joseph School. A bunch of Portuguese immigrants wanted to show the songs and dances of their home region, Minho , in the north of Portugal. They were 10 or 12 people. Currently, the group has about fifty dancers, singers and musicians, ”explains Jean Maciel, symbolic head of the group.

But there is no question of showing anything other than Minho. “Our costumes are made for our songs and music, not for other regions of Portugal. These traditions have been passed on to us by our elders, and we have to preserve and respect them. But when we celebrate, we celebrate until the end of the day!”.

On June 24, it will start at 7 pm, at the MJC in Tarascon, with performances by the Portuguese folk band from Tarascon and the Casa de Portugal folk group from Andorra. A traditional meal will then be served at the MJC, with the musical accompaniment of As Concertinos de Toulouse.

Finally, starting at 10pm, the big dance evening will begin, which will see three bands following each other: Irmaos Cardoso, As de concertino and Conjunto Musik Band’s. There is no doubt that the twelve founders of the Tarascon group wished, in 1973, to celebrate the anniversary of their formation after 50 years, with a great deal of humor and cheerfulness, as a good example of their integration into the country. the heart.

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As the number of places for the meal and the evening of dancing is limited, it is necessary to book at 06 77 01 66 46.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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