Team A – Reserve Team 5-1: The coach discovers his players

Team A – Reserve Team 5-1: The coach discovers his players

Team A – Reserve Team 5-1: The coach discovers his players

The new technical staff of JS Kabylie, headed by Portuguese coach Rui Almeida, is taking advantage of the postponement of the fifth day of the French Premier League and the decision of the Confederation of African Football to suspend the competition as a gesture of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

After arriving a week ago at JS Kabylie where he officially succeeded Youssef Bouzidi, the former Red Etoile coach wants to get as much information as possible about his team before the next championship match against Etoile du Sahel, which was scheduled for yesterday and which has been postponed to a later time. date. To facilitate the break but also to get a clearer idea of ​​the qualities and form of each of his players, Rui Almeida scheduled a practice match yesterday morning. Osama Kattal’s teammates faced the reserve team on the first fieldany-November-1954. The first team won with a big score of 5 to 1 over Rabah Bensafi’s players. The Reserves were the first to open the scoring through striker Masinissa Knight Salem, before Mwake and his teammates turned the tables by scoring no less than five goals through Julius Bilash, who scored two goals, Faike Imran, Daddy Mwake and Kusela Bwalya. Amhar Rui Almeida dominated the match and was more efficient in front of goal. The technical staff is satisfied with the performance of its players, who have shown an excellent level since the last victory at home against Al-Ittihad Al-Capital, which liberated the group mentally. Thus, this practical match gave Rui Almeida an overview of the level of each element before the resumption of competition, the date of which has not yet been announced. Although he saw all the players in training and watched videos of the first four matches of the season played respectively against NCM, PAC, USMK and USMA, this match provided by the application against the reserve team allowed the Portuguese coach to discover his group. He is close and has an accurate idea of ​​the qualities and faults of each of his players. The least we can say is that Rui Almeida was attracted to the qualities of the majority of his members, who all wanted to prove their talent. After a week of physical and tactical work, the coach scheduled this confrontation against the reserve team, and this match was an opportunity for Bwalya’s teammates to score five goals. The coaching staff rotated its team and gave playing time and the opportunity to each member to show his abilities. Of course, it is only a training match against the reserve team, but the yellow and green coach learned a lot from this training match. In other words, this application match allowed him to see more clearly and will help him to release him which will give the answer to ESS during the fifth day of Ligue 1 Mobilis. Although this postponement suits the coach’s work in that it allows him to know his players better, the latter wants to fix it on the date of the match against ES Setif, in order to stop his training program.

  1. H.

Objectives : Nate Salem (Young Kabylie Reserve), Balash (2), Imran, Moake, Bwalya (Young Kabylie A).

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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