Tebboune invites Portuguese investors to invest in Algeria

Tebboune invites Portuguese investors to invest in Algeria

On Wednesday, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, continues his state visit to Portugal at the head of a large ministerial delegation. proceededAnd On the last day of his visit, at the inauguration of the Algerian-Portuguese Businessmen Forum, which aims to bring together investors from the two countries, to discuss opportunities for cooperation and partnership and to enhance economic cooperation.

In this Forum of hommes d’affaires of Algéro-portugais, the president of the République Abdelmadjid Tebboune a affirmed, lords of his son discours aux agents economiques, that nouvelle loi sur les investissements vise à eméliorer le climat des investissements in Algérie et protège investors. Inviting Portuguese investors to establish partnerships with Algerian businessmen in Algeria.

He added that the Portuguese “know very well the level of business climate in Algeria and carry out their activities with satisfaction,” stressing “the positive results achieved by the Algerian economy, such as the value of exports outside the hydrocarbon sector exceeding 7 billion last year, and we look forward to reaching 13 billion dollars in the future.”

Tebboune reveals that Algeria is developing the renewable energy sector

At the same time, the President of the Republic revealed that Algeria has started producing green hydrogen as part of a development program for the renewable energy sector, stressing that it will offer its product to European countries within the framework of an “economic future.” partnership”.

In addition, Head of State Tebboune will preside, later on Wednesday, in the presence of Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, the signing ceremony of bilateral agreements in several areas of cooperation between the two countries.

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Finally, he will then visit the seat of the Portuguese Parliament, where he will be received by Mr. Augusto Santos Silva, President of this legislative body, created in 1976 under the name of the Assembly of the Republic and composed of 230 members.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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