The 2022 season between France and Portugal opened on February 12

The 2022 season between France and Portugal opened on February 12
The 2022 season between France and Portugal opened on February 12

Under the patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron and Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, the 2022 season between France and Portugal opened on February 12. In the program several forums dedicated to oceans or equality. Music and writing are also on the agenda.

It was jointly announced in July 2018 by Emmanuel Macron and Antonio Costa, that the cultural exchange project between France and Portugal had just begun. Countries are uniting to advocate for different causes: environmental conservation or gender equality.

While France presides over the Council of the European Union, this rapprochement between two friendly countries is the result of a strong desire for political and cultural openness. Portugal, which also held the EU presidency for the first six months of 2021, has the same goals as France in terms of democratic values, such as equal opportunity.

The role of youth

Committed on all fronts (climate, equality, culture), young people will have the opportunity to discuss with various scientific and political actors. Young talents will present their entrepreneurial, student or creative projects. The France-Portugal 2022 season also highlights the importance of an inclusive community. Many women will come to talk about initiatives they hold dear.

At the Théâtre de la Ville, about forty artists from the new Portuguese scene will be exhibiting between February and October. It is expected that choreographer Tania Carvalho or duo Sofia Dias / Vitor Ruriez will participate in several groups.

In Portugal, a retrospective of the painter Gerard Fronanger It will be held at the Belém Cultural Center in Lisbon. Starting in April, visitors can attend the Coimbra Biennale of Contemporary Art.

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In his editorial, Prime Minister Antonio Costa stressed that “the cultural dimension plays a special role.” He added: “France has been, for centuries, an artistic and literary reference in Portugal, and a place of global promotion for the works of many Portuguese artists (…).

Visible: © Laetitia Larralde

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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