The 4 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make, According to This Emergency Physician

The 4 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make, According to This Emergency Physician


  • A person who drives himself in a medical emergency increases the risk of a traffic accident.
  • After 5 minutes of heart failure, if nothing is done, brain damage is irreversible according to the French Federation of Cardiology.

the 15, this is the number to call in France in case of a medical emergency. This puts the caller in touch with SAMU, which is available every day, 24 hours a day. The caller will have to answer several questions about the emergency they are in, which will allow Organizing Doctor To decide if the intervention of a medical team is necessary.

In an emergency, it is wrong to call your loved ones

During this call, the attending physician will also tell you the right things to do while waiting for help. Thus, the number one mistake not to be made in the face of a medical emergency is to call a loved one before getting help. This seems obvious in normal times, but in a situation like this, many people experience this reaction.

Once you are in the hospital, you can call everyone, John Torres, MD, an emergency physician in the United States daily Mail. You will have it all the time.“The sooner you seek help, the greater the chance that a person at risk will survive or have fewer consequences.

Another mistake not to be made: It is important not to go to a hospital emergency room alone or accompany someone who needs it. It is up to SAMU teams to provide transportation, if needed. Indeed, as mentioned Ministry of Health and Community ProtectionThe decision to go directly to the hospital clogs the emergency department, hurting the entire health care system.

The SAMU must transport the patient to the emergency room

But it can also be harmful to someone who needs medical intervention. First of all, it delays the first actions that you could take while waiting for help. After that, ambulance rides are part of the care because there are machines that can actually monitor the patient.

On the other hand, when a person is in an emergency situation in the hospital, they should not be left alone. Therefore, Dr. John Torres advises to stay there to check that she is answering the questions put to her by the medical teams or, if she is not able to do so, to answer them in her place.

Finally, the last tip from the emergency physician: If possible, don’t forget to take your mobile phone charger if you’re taking someone to the emergency room. In fact, the Sometimes the support time is very long… It is therefore necessary to be able to keep relatives informed of the development of the situation and to obtain their support.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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