Bethivers. The Franco-Portuguese joint venture celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of its founding. Since its creation in 1993, the Pithiviers-Ovar twin has always demonstrated dynamism and innovation.
Even the health crisis only led to the postponement of physical exchanges, which officials in the two cities stopped out of caution. The last visit of the Portuguese dates back to 2018, which is why their visit from October 16 to 20 will be marked by celebrations.
The President of Azulejos, Ana Lucía Terry, together with the members of the Bureau, have prepared a busy and varied programme, in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary with dignity.
Fado and gastronomy
Below is an outline of the program of activities. After the welcome on Thursday morning, the afternoon will be devoted to visiting the new Pithiviers Station Museum.
On Friday, all day long, you can stroll through the most beautiful neighborhoods and emblematic monuments of Orléans.
Saturday, a complete tour of the grand organ of the Church of Saint-Salomon-Saint-Grégoire, with an explanation from the organ owner, Damien Coulomb.
Sunday will be busier. The Portuguese reporters have planned to attend with a fado music group and two gastronomic sisters!
They were invited to the great gathering of fraternities organized by the Assembly of Pithiviers at the Château de Chamerolles, which brings together several dozen each year.
The Franco-Portuguese twinning has always been a framework for fruitful exchanges between the young participants. We remember the OvarSyncro swimmers’ performance at the Aquatic Center in June 2018, or the participation of French musicians in the great Ovar Carnival.