The county revealed the chickens from D1 to D4 and the season calendar

The county revealed the chickens from D1 to D4 and the season calendar

The 2022-2023 season is on the horizon. On Monday, the Aveyron Football District revealed the pools (below), D1 through D4, for the 2022-2023 men’s season. The body also introduced the calendar, the first day of which is scheduled for the weekend of September 3 and 4. Before the tournament resumes, Aveyron teams will have already played the first two rounds of the Coupe de France, which will take place on August 20, 21, 27 and 28. The first round draw has already taken place (below).

The return of the Occitanie Cup

The 22nd and final day of the tournament is scheduled for the weekend of May 20 and 21, 2023. During the winter season, Aveyron footballers will have a five-week break between the last day of 2022, December 10 and 11, and resume, 14 and 15 January. They will only play one match in January.

The 2022-2023 season also marks the return of the Occitanie Cup. The framing round is scheduled to take place on September 10 and 11, before the two county rounds. The final will take place on the weekend of June 10-11, 2023. As for the Aveyron Cup, the playoffs from the framing role will meet on September 24 and 25 in the 32nd round finals the last weekend of November. The final, which will award Requista’s successor, will take place on the weekend of May 27-28, 2023.

While introducing the pools, the Pays Alzuréen team was mentioned in D2 and D3, each time with a question mark. The division, which was demoted by region due to settlement issues, appealed the decision. The Commission must issue its decision within the week. Espalion are still waiting for the league’s minutes to be published to be able to resume their demotion to D1.

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the jungle

JS Levis


Lower Roerg

Luke Primaup II

Druel II

Villefranche des Rogues

Saint Afrique II


West Aveyron football


Saint George

D 2

Group A


Saint Laurent La Canourgue


West Aveyron Football II



St. Jeans Dawlat


second requista

Saint Journey Saint Sernin


Zorian country?

group b

Argens Viadini

Montbazens-Rignac II

Costcaldi Lestrade

I made a day bed


Aveyron II sources

Foot Fallon

Football Hoop 88 II

Food South Loser

don’t forget you

Onet Le Chateau III

2nd Earl

d 3

Group A

Zorian country?

Second Nocel

capdinac if out

combing II

Pinchot Levinac


Barilope thongs



Riupeyroux II

Reason for Lestang

Lower Roger II

group b

Kampuak Gulinhach

3rd Earl

Villefranche des Rogues II

Portuguese Capdenac



Gutterins Meyeran

Football Fallon Dordo II



J.-S. Lévézou II

The second monastery

group C

new chastel

Luke Primaup III

Chirac Monastir

Melaw II

Again Jaggies


Third Mundi



Hall’s Curran II

Bush II

Saint-Juery-Saint-Sernin II

D 4

Group A

Opera 98

football rog

Pinchot Levinac II

Argens Viadini II

Pays the second zoreen

Third Noselle

West Aveyron Football III

Villecomtal-Mouret-Entraygues II


Olympus II

Canet Paradise Le Vibal

Espalion II

group b



Hope Football 88 III

Mount Igual

Requista III



San Roma de Tarn

Saint George II

Larzac Valleys

Aguessac II

Saint-Juery-Saint-Sernin III

group C

Valiant Omonis



Saint Laurent La Canourgue II

Aveyron III Sources

Badaroux II

Marvgulls II


AS Randonez

Chastel Nouvel II

St. Jeans Dawlat II

Second Laysak

d . pool

second pelvis

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Bezonnes II


what’s wrong


Faber Tissack

Montbazens-Rignac III

Meridian Olt II

Football Fallon Dordo III

Saint Radigond

Mahorais II

The first round of the French Cup

To kick off the season, Aveyron teams will start from Regional 3 with the Coupe de France. The first round of framing has already been decided and the matches will take place on the weekend of August 20-21. The second round is scheduled for the following weekend: West Aveyron football matches (D1) – Argence Viadène (D2) Réquista (R3) – Saint-Geniez-d’Olt (D2) Le Monastère (R3) – Martiel (D3) Costecalde Lestrade (D3) – Ségala Rieupeyroux (R3) Saint-Laurent-La Canourgue (D2) – Aguessac (D1) Soulages Bonneval (D2) – Salles-Curan-Curan (R3) Villefanche-de-Rou. (D1) – Montbazens-Rignac (D1) Bozouls (D2) – Dourdou (D2) Espalion (D1) – Parloup Céor (D3) Saint-Affrique (R3) – Foot Vallon (D2) Agen-Gages (D3) – Athletic Foot 88 (R3) Naucelle (R3) – Penchot-Livinhac (D3) Pays Alzuréen (DX) – Bas Rouergue (D2) JS Lévézou (D1) – Saint-Juéry (D2)

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About the Author: Lucinda Lima

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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