The dangers of children’s exposure to the sun for a long time by parents

The dangers of children’s exposure to the sun for a long time by parents

A new report highlights that parents still underestimate the impact of children’s prolonged exposure to the sun.

Summer vacation officially begins on Thursday, July 7, 2022. For the occasion, the National Cancer Institute just ran a campaign reminding children of the dangers of exposing children to the sun for too long. through New study conducted by the BVA, the institute specifically confirms that sunburns that occur during childhood cause skin cancer in adults. Bad news, parents don’t seem to be aware of the danger of UV rays to their offspring. In fact, we know that few (12%) consider childhood to be the period of greatest risk to the skin in the event of sun exposure.

The dangers of the sun for children

We also learn that 45% of parents believe that no periods of sun exposure are more dangerous than others. However, the study explains that “until puberty, the skin is thinner and the pigmentary system is immature, which makes it more susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of UV rays.” Then the National Cancer Institute notes that outdoor exercise, gardening, or walking in direct sunlight account for this Risks to children’s skin.

The results also show that preventive measures are not properly defined, with 58% of parents in particular believing that using sunscreen with a high factor effectively protects children from the sun’s rays; Or even 39% who think that sun protection allows you to be exposed to the sun for longer.

Recommendations to follow for the well-being of children

Faced with this situation, the institute reminds you that being in the shade, wearing covered clothing, a hat and sunglasses, as well as not exposing yourself to the sun between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., is the most effective protection. Thus, they reduce the risk of developing skin cancer in adulthood. Finally, the National Cancer Institute declares that “regular application of a high-index sunscreen, to exposed areas, is recommended, in addition to these methods of protection.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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