The government is maliciously preparing to rule the law of society

The government is maliciously preparing to rule the law of society

Pledge – The government is making a cunning preparation for the rule of law of the community

Beware of danger: they promise us the priority of the law of society. By clicking on the links below, everyone can see that some parliamentarians are maneuvering for France, which comes from the depths of time and lives, to become a dependent state, subject to a law alien to our affairs, “that is” to say our interests. What is it about? The law of the community, which, for its proponents, must take precedence over the law of nations, which is entirely invented because it was not included in the founding treaties, can see the light of day. Is the European Union efficient? No, but: Beware, danger.

A bit thick series for those who don’t read the texts below and won’t be alone in remaining in bliss, but it will be played well if no one interferes in the game.

If you ask people: “Do you want the European Union to have jurisdiction and to impose on us the rule of law of the community?” The answer would be no, again. Our opponents are not stupid and they seem to be thinking and blessed is yes yes in service and he found the solution. The old law, we no longer talk about it, will still belong to the countries (there are only two countries in the European Union: France and Portugal). But the new law dictated by the Council and approved by the Strasbourg Parliament? It will become a skill as the texts emerge. Of course, the ancient texts will one day or another, and in the utmost secrecy, be repaired one by one. After 20 years, Mass will be said and we will drink the dregs at the bottom of the cup.

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Therefore, we will oppose these behind-the-scenes actions. We say no, and we prevent the Council and its followers from distorting the right of states to self-determination.

Between us, and without saying it, so as not to offend the unconditional supporter of the European dream, GDP of the European Union for 2008 = 15,000 billion, GDP of the United States of America for 2008 = 15,000 billion, GDP of the European Union for 2022 = 15,000 billion. , GDP of the United States = 27,000 billion. Our speech yesterday in the Senate Peer Room: The ensuing currency devaluation means that our GDP is decreasing, not in volume, but in value, and that the purchasing power of citizens of Member States is declining every day. EU = economic dwarf, and therefore political dwarf.

Henry Foucero The supremacy of European-law over national-law

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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